How to Link Aadhaar with Ration Card Online

Link Aadhaar with Ration Card

The Government recently extended  the deadline of seeding Aadhaar Card with ration card till September 30,2020. Untile then , The Union Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Union Ministry of Cosumer Affairs, Food and public Distrubtions has issued clear instructions to all states/UTs that no genuine recipient should denied form an entitled quota of food grains, or their ration card should not be cancelled only on the groumd of not possessing an Aadhaar Number.
  1. In due course, the government has said that linking of Aadhaar card with Ration Card will ensure that no person entitled to ration is denied such access.
  2. According to an IANS report , nearly 85% of all 80 crores beneficiaries have at present seeded their Aadhaar Number with their respective ration cards.  

Step to link Aadhaar card with Ration Card Online:

Step 1- Visit the official website of the Unique Identification Authority of India. UIDAI

Step 2- Click on ‘start Now’ option.

Step 3-
Enter address details – District and state.

Step 4-
Select the benefit type as ration card from the available options.

Step 5-
Now, Choose the scheme name as “Ration Card”.

Step 6-
Enter the Ration Card number, Aadhaar Number, E-mail Address and Mobile Number.

Step 7-
An one time password (OTP) will be sent to the mobile number. Enter the OTP a notification appears informing the completion of the application process.

Step 8-
Post this application will be verified  and post successful verification Aadhaar Card will be linked to Ration Card.

Advantages of Linking Aadhar to Ration Card

  • Elimination of equivalent Ration Card.
  • Linking of  Ration Card with  unique Aadhar Card check the cheating activities.
  • Issue of many Ration Card under a single name will be cancelled.
  • Bio-metric enabled distribution system will help the PDS to identify the genuine recipient and thus helps in smoothness of the benefits accordingly.
  • Leakage and Diversion of PDS ration can be restrained.
  • Aadhar card helps in creating an audit trail in the PDS thus eliminating and identifying  corrupt mediator and this helps in adding efficiency in the framework.

Documents Required for Linking Aadhar to Ration Card

  • Passport size photo of the head of the family member.
  • Photocopy of Aadhaar of the head of the family.
  • Photocopies of Aadhaar of all the family members.
  • Photocopy of Ration Card forward with the original card (for verification).
  • If in the case bank account is not linked to Aadhaar Card, you need Bank Passbook copy.

Ration Card

  • Ration Card is a document which is issued by the separate State Govt. in India and it obey as a proof of nationality to the bearer. It acts as an important document which present as an identity proof and also show an individuals economic status. It is a optional document and is not a mandatory one for every resident Indian to possess one. The holders of ration card are suitable to purchase subsidized food grains from the Public Distribution System (under the National Food Security Act).
  • This Ration Cards have many categories and are issued based on the earning capacity of the separate. Different states have different plan and are issued to the holders based on the annual income of the holder, total members in a family and so on. 
  • As per the National Food Security Act (NFSA), all the state Govt. in the country should acknowledge those households which are allowed for purchasing subsidized food grains from the Public Distribution System and should give them with Ration Cards.

Currently, there are two types of ration cards below the NFSA.
  • Priority Ration Card This type of Ration Card is issued to those households which reach the eligibility criteria as set by the individual state government. Each household is eligible to get 5 kilograms of food grains per member. 
  • Antyodaya (AAY) This Ration Card is issued to those households who are classify as the “poorest of poor”. Each AAY households are eligible to secure 35 Kg of food grains.

Learn English at Home: 10 Fun and Easy Ideas.

Learn English by Speaking at Home: 10 Fun and Easy Ideas

You can learn to speak English at home, in your PCs if you wish, while having a lot of fun!  But before we get to these 10 easy ideas, let's take a look at the benefits of learning from home.

   Why Learn English from Home?  

  • One way to start learning fun is to get it right in the comfort of your home. Your own home is a quiet place where you can learn the way you want.
  • Plus, there are five other reasons why learning to speak English from home is so much more fun:
  • It is comfortable. There is no place in the world where you can completely relax. You don't need to worry about how you dress, if you are late for class, or if you answer the questions correctly. If you feel comfortable, it produces successful learning.
  • It is convenient. There is no need to leave home and travel to a different place. You can study at any time you want.
  • It makes you productive. Instead of doing nothing at home, you can use your free time to be productive. You will be amazed at how quickly you will learn with all that free time in your hands.
  • It has no pressure. You study without any pressure from home. You can follow your own learning pace without worrying whether you will keep up with your classmates or not. If there is no pressure, you will feel more comfortable with learning.
  • It's nice.It's actually amazing to know that there are tons of things you can do from home to learn to speak English, and you'll have fun doing them. Not to mention, you'll also love the fact that you don't have to pay a dime.
  • As you can see, fun learning is really possible. And now, you can start to feel better knowing that you can learn through your own efforts.
  • So are you excited to speak English? Here we go:

   10 Fun and Easy Ways to Learn English by Speaking at Home.

       1. Sing Karaoke

  • Singing karaoke is when you sing a song that doesn't have the vocal track, just the background music, so you're the only one singing. It is a lot of fun, but sometimes if you are with other people you can feel nervous and shy.
  • But at home, you can relax and sing your favorite songs as loud as you want! It doesn't matter if you prefer Frank Sinatra, Lady Gaga or One Direction, as long as you sing in English, you will improve your speaking skills while having fun.
  • However, before you can sing karaoke, you must learn the lyrics and practice. Break up the song and learn the lyrics in an exciting way with Fluent U.
  • Search the Fluent U music videos to find a song that you enjoy at your level and use its exclusive "learning mode" to understand the lyrics and learn new words.
  • Then ask yourself with the Lyrics Training game, where you fill in the missing words from the lyrics while the song plays. Then sing with the singer multiple times, and you're finally ready for the final test (and perhaps the funniest part): singing karaoke!
  • Fortunately, you don't need an expensive karaoke machine to sing karaoke. You can easily find karaoke songs on YouTube. Just type the name of the song and the artist, plus the word "karaoke" in the search field. For example, if you want to sing Blondie's classic song "One Way or Another", just type "One way or another Blondie karaoke" in the YouTube search bar, and you will find this video successfully as the best result.
  • Try Adele's "Someone Like You", Journey's "Don't Stop Believing" and "Grease" "Summer Nights" to get started with some popular karaoke songs.

       2. Read Out Loud

  • Silent reading can help train your mind in the English language. However, reading aloud will train your language to speak English correctly. You can choose any book, poem, or story you want and start reading the words out loud.
  • Get started with easy English reading materials before moving on to these great English books to read.
  • In the process of practicing speaking English, you should also know if you are saying the words correctly. At home, you can check if your pronunciation is correct by simply downloading apps from Google Play Store.
  • You can try English Pronunciation by Kepham. Once the app is installed, enter the word you want to hear spoken.
  • You can also try the sounds app: Pronunciation, where you can check the words in the pronunciation of British and American English. Furthermore, this app also has a practice and test tester. Both applications are free to download.

       3. Exercise with Workout Videos

  • How can that help you, you ask? If you choose to exercise, use exercise videos in English. It will be better if you have DVD or Blu-Ray discs because these videos always have subtitles. When you exercise, try reading those captions.
  • Among the best exercise videos are those of exercise expert Shaun T.
  • Buy these videos on DVD or rent from the library so you can use the subtitles.
  • Once the video starts, copy your movements and your words. So if you're counting, count on him! Not only will your body get a good workout, your tongue will also experience excellent English exercise.

       4. Host an English Night Dinner

  • Bring your friends to join your English-speaking journey by hosting an English evening dinner. Well, it could also be a breakfast or lunch, as long as the point is that everyone speaks English all the time.
  • Be sure to plan some games in addition to food.
  • First, play Continue the Story. To play, someone must start a story by saying "Once upon a time". Then the next person will continue the story, may be saying, "There lived a princess and a prince."
  • To make the game more exciting, you can add a specific number of words per answer. If a friend chooses five, they should only say five words. If he or she uses the wrong number, the player is out of the game.
  • Another game you can try is Q&A. Have all of your friends, including yourself, write a question on an index card. After writing all the questions, put them in a box or bowl and mix them up. Then they take turns choosing a question and answering it.

       5. Play Monopoly in English

  • Another fun thing you can do is play games that require you to read or speak English. A good example is monopoly. The board and cards are written in English, so read them out loud when you play.
  • The monopoly is readily available in all toy stores. This board game will allow you to move around the board, buy, sell and rent properties. The concept of the game is easy, but for non-English speakers, reading the text on the cards can be challenging. So if you're playing, reading the text out loud should come in handy.
  • Just for fun, read the text with some excitement. If you are the owner, express a dominant tone when speaking. Perhaps you are a good banker, or perhaps the banker is bad. It's up to you!

       6. Chat with Friends Online

  • What better way to learn to speak English than to learn with friends? Instead of chatting with them via their keyboard, why not just make a voice or video call? In this way, you can practice speaking English conversationally. This will be a good practice for both of you.
  • One of the most useful video and voice chat applications is Skype. After downloading the free software, sign up for an account and start adding your friends and your contacts.
  • Another application that you can use is Viber. Install the app and then you can start talking to your friends in their phone book.
  • Both applications can be used on desktop computers and mobile devices. You call a friend as you usually make a call on your mobile phone.

       7. Call a Customer Support Hotline

  • You don't need to have a real question or complaint to call customer service. But for the sake of learning to speak English, imagine you have one. Most large international companies will have English speaking representatives. Think of it as a free English lesson.
  • One way to do this is to ask questions about your products. If you call a manufacturer of beauty products, try the Avon hotline at 1-800-FOR-AVON. Imagine that you bought a product and tell them what your problem is. You could say:
  • Hello, I recently bought your anti-aging skin cream. I like it, but I find it too oily for my skin, would you recommend something else?
  • Later, you can continue to ask about the other products they have, and you can continue to share what products you are looking for.
  • For men, you can try calling the Nordstrom hotline at 1-888-282-6060. If you don't feel like asking about products, you can always ask about their pay back or return policy. In that case, you can start with:
  • I recently bought a shirt, but it doesn't suit me. What is your return policy?
  • From there, a conversation has already started with the customer service representative.

       8. Record Yourself

  • Recording yourself will help you understand your pronunciation errors. To record yourself, you can use your smartphone, tablet or even your laptop.
  • Just start by finding a piece you would like to read, and then open the Audio Recorder on your device and start recording yourself.
  • the first step is record your own voice. The most important step is to check if you have spoken the words correctly. Use the applications mentioned in n. ° 2 to check if you pronounce the words correctly.
  • Keep recording your English speaking sessions at home up to you perfect the piece you are reading. After that, you can move on to a different piece and also challenge yourself with a more advanced vocabulary.

       9. Memorize Your Favorite Movie Lines

  • You probably have a couple of favorite movies you'd like to see over and over again. This time, you can better enjoy them talking as if you were part of the movie too. Talk to the actors and don't forget to speak with emotion.
  • We suggest these classic American movies that you can watch later if you have nothing else in mind. Also, if you're having trouble identifying the words they say, you can always Google a movie transcript.
  • A transcript is the complete script for a movie, so you can follow the dialogue from there. For example, if you want to say Tom Cruise's lines in "Some Good Men," just type "A Few Good Men Transcript" into the Google search box.

       10. Make an Audio Blog

  • An audioblog is like a podcast blog, where you record yourself for other people to listen to. You can talk about what you want: movie reviews, share stories, give your opinion, etc. After recording them, you can upload them to your blog and let other people hear what you have to say.
  • If you have native English-speaking friends, ask for constructive feedback. This means that they will give you pronunciation tips, compliments and ways to improve.
  • To make an audio blog, start by making a free blog (Try Blogger or Tumblr). Then use any Audio Recorder you have and record files of yourselves speaking. Upload them to your blog and publish the post. Ta-da!
  • Any combination of these ten ideas will guarantee an entertaining time with results. But there is one final tool that you will need to be successful.

All Things to know about Corona Virus.

1 . Where does corona  virus come from ?

·       The current COVID-19 flare-up has started worldwide uneasiness and worry that it could spread excessively quick and excessively far and cause emotional harm before wellbeing authorities figure out how to stop it. What are the real factors of the pandemic? We examine
·       What are the real factors of the new coronavirus flare-up?
·       This article was refreshed on May 12, 2020 .
·       In December a year ago, reports started to rise that a coronavirus that masters had never found in people had started to spread among the number of inhabitants in Wuhan, a huge city in China's Hubei territory.

·       From that point forward, the infection has spread to different nations, both inside and outside Asia, which has driven the World Health Organization (WHO) to proclaim this a pandemic.
·       Until this point in time, the new coronavirus, right now called serious intense respiratory disorder coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has been liable for many diseases around the world, causing a huge number of passings. The United States is the most influenced nation.
·       What do we truly think about this infection? How is it prone to influence the total populace?

Chinese Wet Market.
·       Clinical News Today has reached WHO, utilized data gave by general wellbeing associations, and investigated the most recent examinations introduced in peer-inspected diaries to respond to these and different inquiries from our perusers.
·       Remain educated with live updates on the current COVID-19 episode and visit our coronavirus place for additional tips on avoidance and treatment.

2.  Did china get the treatment that did not let the corona virus cases rise ?

·         The death toll in china was less than 3500 and the same,
1.       America
2.       Itally
3.       Spain
4.       France
5.       Britain
·         Death statistics is more than 10 thousands and more than 10 thousands.

·       The population of Wuhan and  New York is equal but in wuhan, China has controlled on this virus and the same people are dying in new York.

·         China says it has cured 90% of corona virus patients, But the question is how?

·       The Chinese government has begun to exercise strict control over the results of the COVID-19 investigation. Over the past two months, it appears to have quietly introduced policies that require scientists to obtain approval to publish or publish their results, according to documents seen by Nature and some researchers.

·      This coincides with media reports that at least two Chinese universities have published online notices stating that research into the origins of the virus must be approved by the university's academic committee and the Ministry of Science and Technology ( MOST) or the Ministry of Education (MOE) before being sent for publication.

·       Scientists in China say the changes are likely a response to low-quality studies of the virus, which were published online and widely reported, and are welcomed by several.

·         Is the coronavirus in the air? Experts cannot agree..

·       Knowledge of the new rules is mixed among researchers working on the virus in China. Some scientists who spoke to Nature say they heard about their institutions' background screening process, but others were in the dark. The ministries appear not to have posted policy notices on their websites and have yet to respond to Nature's attempts to confirm that they have released the documents.

·       Researchers outside the country are concerned that the research process may delay the publication of important ideas that could help control the pandemic. Some also fear that the Chinese government is interfering in the scientific review process.

·     "Researchers and research institutions should be free to share knowledge without general supervision, provided it has been conducted in accordance with our current conventions and ethical standards," says Ashley St. John, virologist at Duke Medical School. -NUS in Singapore.

·       Last month, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian made sensational claims that the virus could have reached the country from the United States, and expressed concern that the Chinese government's statements were not always guided by The science. Although the exact origin of the virus is unknown, researchers believe it likely came from bats and then spread to a carrier animal before infecting the first people somewhere in central China late last year.

3.  What happened to china’s research on corona viruses ?

·       It has been almost 4 months since December, But china has not told about this virus till now to the world.
·       China has kept a close watch on the research paper about this virus, Now whatever  research is  being done in  china, It can be brought before  the whole world only after the approval of the officials of  china.
·       China is neither telling about research paper , nor is  it telling how to  control on the corona virus.
·         If china has controlled so well in 100 days , Then china should share this  formula with the whole world but they didn’t.

4. Why did china not allow international experts to come to know about the corona virus in depth ?

·         America offered china that it was ready  to send the expert, but china resfused.

·         WHO team definitely went to wuhan, but no one knows  what information they got from there.

5.  Why did china open its wet markets ?

·         In the wet  markets, meat  of bats and other animal’s meat found.
·         It’s believed  that corona virus is spread in  humans only through wet market (meat of bats).

       4.  Where did  this virus come from ? There are only two theories about it ?

1.       This Virus has come from the wet  markets (meat of bats) of  china.
2.       There is a virus bank in china, and this virus has come out from that virus bank.

§  Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV)
§  The institute is home to the China Centre for Virus Culture Collection, the largest virus bank in Asia which preserves more than 1,500 strains, according to its website.